German nazi terror witness’ mysterious death

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video is called German MPs condemn handling of neo-Nazi cell case.

By Sven Heymann in Germany:

Witness in German NSU investigation dies in car fire

22 October 2013

In the scandal surrounding a series of murders by Germany’s far-right terrorist group, the National Socialist Underground (NSU), there have been important developments in recent weeks that have gone largely unreported by the mainstream media.

In mid-September, there was a mysterious death in Stuttgart. The 21-year-old Florian H burned to death in his car. On the same evening, the state criminal investigation agency (LKA) in Baden-Württemberg had called him in for questioning. The young man from Eppingen in the Heilbronn region was to have given information on the extreme right scene, according to the newspaper Berliner Zeitung.

According to police sources, the young man committed suicide. Underlying the suicide, they added, were personal problems, suggesting that they stemmed from a…

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